Budget, Emissions, Estate Tax, and More

The Pritzker Plan

On Wednesday Governor Pritzker proposed a $52.7 billion state budget for FY 2025…the largest budget in state history. He has no more Federal COVID dollars to bail him out and so he has serious spending choices to make. So far, it appears he is choosing Illegal migrants over Illinois taxpayers for the second year in a row.

Here are a few facts from the Governor’s proposal:

? A $2.29 billion increase from last year’s enacted budget

? A $775 million shortfall for FY25 based on existing revenue and the Governor’s plan

? Better healthcare benefits for non-citizens than most taxpayers receive

? $1 billion in new taxes and other budget gimmicks

The State of Illinois has already spent $638 million in taxpayer funds on the migrant crisis, including health care, housing, and social services. Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendosa has launched a new portal to track State migrant-related spending.  The Comptroller’s portal can be found here.

I will continue to support a balanced budget without tax hikes and will continue to fight for responsible state spending which prioritizes taxpayers and our most vulnerable citizens.

And we need to repeal Illinois’ failed Sanctuary State policies now for the sake of our families and our communities. If you agree, please go to my website and sign the petition!

Truck Emissions Debate Scheduled, Canceled

A new bill proposed by Democrats would force the Illinois EPA to adopt California emission standards for trucks and surrender state sovereignty to California bureaucrats instead of Illinois lawmakers. The bill, House Bill 1634, was scheduled to be debated in the House Energy & Environment committee this week, but the hearing was canceled about an hour before its scheduled start.

You can make your voice heard on this bill by filing a committee a witness slip at https://my.ilga.gov/WitnessSlip/Create/144270?committeeHearingId=20573&LegislationId=144270&LegislationDocumentId=180845

Amending the Estate “Death” Tax

Some good news…bills have been filed this spring that would help keep family farms in the family by making positive changes to Illinois’ estate tax. Read more here: Illinois bill looks to raise estate tax threshold (wgem.com)

Happy Birthday President Washington

On February 22 in 1732, President George Washington was born. Happy birthday week to one of our Founding Fathers and the first President of our nation!