Rep. Frese Launches Petition Drive to Reinvest in Kids

State Representative Randy Frese is taking action to prevent the loss of Illinois’ Invest in Kids Scholarship Program at the end of the year. Rep. Frese has launched a “Reinvest in Kids” petition drive to make sure Democrat legislative leaders and the Governor understand that all families deserve access to school choice. You can add your name to the petition here at

The Invest in Kids program is a State-backed scholarship program for children, including at-risk children and children from disadvantaged households, to gain the opportunity to attend a private school.  It offers a 75 percent income tax credit to individuals and businesses that contribute to qualified Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs). Since 2017, $330 million in private funding has been contributed to provide school choice scholarships for deserving students across the state.

“This is the only ‘school choice’ option for Illinois parents who can’t afford private school on their own, but it was not included in the Democrats’ FY 2024 state budget package, and so is scheduled to be phased out in December,” Rep. Frese said. “Lawmakers will need to act during our fall veto session to save this scholarship program; and we need to send a strong message to Speaker Welch, Senate President Harmon, and to Governor Pritzker that our children must not be denied the same educational opportunities they themselves chose for their own children.”

Rep. Frese pointed out that many comparable and neighboring states, including Indiana and Iowa, have enacted permanent scholarship tax credit laws.

“We should be expanding education options for our children, not taking them away! If you support school choice, please go to my website,, and sign the petition to Reinvest in Kids!” Rep. Frese said.