Rep. Frese: Governor Still Missing a Realistic, Long Term Plan for Illinois’ Recovery

After watching the Governor’s combined budget/state of the state address today, State Representative Randy Frese said he was disappointed that Governor Pritzker once again delivered a political stump speech rather than a realistic plan to move Illinois forward.

“It’s appropriate that today’s budget address was delivered on Groundhog Day because, like the movie, it was a bit like living the same day over again. Once again we heard a budget plan based on a rosy picture of our state’s finances that isn’t really honest. The Governor failed to mention that slight improvements in our financial picture are temporary. They are the result of a massive federal bailout and increased taxpayer burdens due to rising inflation-NOT responsible financial policies from his administration,” said Rep. Frese (R-Paloma).  

“What’s more, we’re now into year three of business closures from failed COVID mandates, violent crime is on the rise due to anti-police policies he signed into law last year, and we’re still looking for answers and solutions to protect our veterans in the state’s care at our Veterans’ Homes. Once again, there was no realistic plan to address the long-term structural issues that are holding our state back. Welcome to Groundhog Day in Illinois.”